Our Services
We offer a number of services to help you get started with Salesforce.com and to help you work efficiently and effectively with it once you are already going.

Our work starts with a requirements analysis and a review of your business processes. We work with you to help us understand and define what need - what your requirements are. It helps to set expectations, predict effort, and remove unwanted surprises.

Our Services include:
  • Quick Start Program   Our Quick Start program helps your company get started with using Salesforce.com in just a few days. In Day 1 our team examines the requirements of your company and your users. Day 2 is spent working with the project sponsor and System Administrator to set up the configuration, customize any objects and page layouts, develop any reports and dashboards, and implement any workflow or approvals. Day 3 is to provide training for the system administrator and other key users.

    Additional time is required to import your existing data. This should be discussed in advance of the Quick Start implementation.
  • System Health Check   If you are already using Salesforce.com then you understand the benefit of using the best of breed in a CRM tool. We review your requirements, compare them to how you are using your system, and determine if there are any gaps. If any issues or shortcomings are discovered then we will be able to address them.
  • Consulting Services   We are able to advise you on the best practices for using your Salesforce.com instance effectively.
  • Application Development Services   We can design and develop the applications to help run your business better. We employ the only Salesforce.com Certified Developer in Atlantic Canada which allows us to design and develop the application that you need, integrate that application with your current systems, and provide support services. Salesforce.com Certified Developer
  • System Administrator Services   We can take care of the day-to-day management of your instance for you. We start by determining how you'd like your system managed, and then keep you informed of the work that we do on your behalf. Salesforce.com Certified Administrator


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